
Scherenmanufaktur PAUL

How might we redesign scissors in the era of Internet of Things (IoT)? Challenge Brief Scissors have been around for hundreds of years and there are thousands of different types of scissors available. However, the basic principle always remained the same… until now!   At Scherenmanufaktur Paul, we want...

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Open Source Ecology Germany e.V.

How might we create a developer platform that brings together users and developers of open source hardware that is 100 % open source, intuitive to use and allows constructive feedback?   [embed][/embed] Challenge Brief There is no such thing as github for open source hardware. And github doesn’t work...

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How might we improve our healthcare ecosystems based on open source medical technology?   [embed][/embed]   Challenge Brief Our challenge revolves around combining open source and magnetic resonance imaging. Let’s briefly define both: Open source hardware is “hardware whose design is made publicly available so that anyone can study, modify,...

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