In 24 hours from idea to prototype

At the InnoDays, everyone comes together to create something new – no matter if you are an entrepreneurial student, designer, engineer or business leader. You will turn ideas to prototpyes in 24 hours.

AI Trust Challenge

Ensuring reliable document processing for real estate businesses

How might we enhance trust in AI Document Processing for chain stores and real estate investors?

Learn more


How it works


The inspiration videos can be seen in the version shared via Slack.


Get support from mentors from our challenge partners and other experts. 

Sign up as a mentor


Thanks to the Code Academy Berlin for hosting the InnoDays!


Erich-Weinert-Straße 145

10409 Berlin

Aufgang C, 4th Floor

Why join

We believe complex problems are best solved collaboratively. Everyone is welcome to join the InnoDays. Participants are students, employees, freelancers, creatives and hopefully you.

🏅 Get support

The best ideas get the company partner’s support to make the idea happen.

🛠 Build skills

Work in a team with different skillsets and mindsets to come up with innovative solutions and learn with others.

💪 Gain experience

Innovation is something you get better by doing it. This is your opportunity to gain hands-on experience by solving critical challenges.

👩‍💼 Receive mentoring

You’ll receive mentoring by inspirational leaders.

👩‍💻 Create opportunities

Find your next career opportunity as an InnoDays talent.

🚀Join InnoLab 2023

Get a chance to be selected for our 3-month innovation program in Fall.



Do I need to pay to participate in the InnoDays?

No, participation is free.

Where will the InnoDays take place?

The InnoDays will take place in person at Code Academy Berlin, Erich-Weinert-Straße 145, 10409 Berlin, Aufgang C, 4th Floor.

What language do you speak at the InnoDays?

The InnoDays’ language will be a mix of English and German depending where the participants come from. Teams can choose to work together in whatever language they want, but the outcomes of the event will have to be in English too.

Who are the participants?

The event is free for everyone to join. Our main group of participants is university students with diverse backgrounds including business, design, and engineering. The only requirement for participation is your full-time commitment during the 48 hours event.

How does the application work?

You will have to submit a video that summarizes your idea for the innovation challenge on our registration form.

What if I don’t have an idea to submit?

In this case, you can apply with a video introducing yourself, your interests and skills, and motivation for joining the InnoDays. Moreover, you will have to briefly explain an industry trend or inspiration relative to the challenge you would like to tackle.

How do teams work?

At the InnoDays, you can join individually or in teams. Teams may have up to 5 people. When submitting the video, you can indicate the names of your team members. Even if you join as a team, all team members need to sign up for the event independently. If you don’t have a team after registration, we will assign you to a team based on your application. Every team needs to have a minimum of two different backgrounds (e.g. business+design).

How does the 48 schedule look like?

Day 1 will be dedicated to ideation, Day 2 to prototyping and validation. Teams will have check-ins with the lead mentors, and office-hours with experts and company partners.

Are the daily check-ins mandatory?

Yes, daily check-ins are mandatory.

What kind of support will participants receive at the event?

Teams will have access to a platform showcasing useful resources to progress on the idea. Webinars, check-ins, and office hours will complement the support.

How will the winner be selected?

Each team will have to submit a pitch-deck showcasing its idea and a pitch-video. A jury composed of company partners, experts, and mentors will evaluate the submission based on innovativeness, feasibility, challenge fit, progress in the 48 hours, and motivation to continue working on the idea.

Are there any pre-requisites to joining?

No, there is no pre-requisite besides your commitment throughout the 24 hours.

More questions?
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