Ski amadé AI Challenge

How might we harness AI to elevate travelers’ Ski amadé experience, especially within the “my Ski amadé Friends Club” ecosystem?



About Ski amadé

Ski amadé, a premier alpine destination, invites participants to reimagine the traveler experience through the lens of artificial intelligence. As a prominent hub for winter sports and mountain adventures, Ski amadé aims to leverage AI to enhance guest experiences, ensuring unforgettable journeys amidst the stunning Austrian Alps. “my Ski amadé”, the club for all Ski amadé lovers & ski sport fans, offers exclusive benefits and news for its members.


Leveraging our data assets with AI

Ski amadé boasts a wealth of data related to bookings, skier days and guest interactions, presenting ample opportunities to elevate the overall traveler experience. Specifically, our loyalty club, “my Ski amadé Friends Club” encapsulates a wealth of member preferences, engagement history, and feedback, forming a crucial data asset. By incorporating this unique set of insights, participants in the challenge can enhance their AI-driven solutions with a deeper understanding of guest loyalty, preferences, and the nuances that shape their alpine experiences.


How might we harness AI to elevate travelers’ Ski amadé experience, especially within the “my Ski amadé Friends Club” ecosystem?


Imagine some of the opportunities AI presents along the travelers’ customer journey:

– Inspiration – How might AI deliver personalized recommendations to inspire and capture the attention of past, current and potential future visitors?

– Planning – How can AI-driven insights aid in decision-making, helping guests tailor their experience by analyzing preferences and offers during the research and planning phase? Importantly, guests are presented with personalized content to further increase the anticipation of the stay.

– Booking – In the booking stage, how can AI enhance the guest support experience, providing real-time assistance through chatbots for queries regarding ski conditions, weather, additional offers and my Ski amadé Friends club specials?

– Pre-Trip – How can AI contribute to personalizing on-site experiences by suggesting personalized skiing routes and other activities based on individual preferences during the pre-trip planning phase?

– In-Trip – How might AI promote sustainable mountain tourism during the in-trip experience by analyzing data to minimize Ski amadé’s ecological footprint, fostering a sense of environmental consciousness among guests?

– Post Trip – How can AI leverage sentiment analysis on post-trip feedback or social media postings to refine strategies for enhancing customer satisfaction, loyalty, and future travel experiences?


Your ideas

Are you ready to shape the future of alpine travel and ski adventures? Ski amadé calls on innovative minds and AI enthusiasts to dive deep into the “my Ski amadé Friends Club” ecosystem and unlock groundbreaking solutions that transform the skiing experience in the Austrian Alps. This is your chance to leverage AI and our extensive data assets to craft personalized, sustainable, and unforgettable journeys for travelers. Whether it’s through enhancing the booking process, personalizing the skiing adventure, or fostering environmental stewardship, your ideas can lead the way in redefining mountain tourism.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to leave your mark on one of Austria’s premier ski destinations. Let’s collaborate to make Ski amadé not just a journey, but a lifetime memory for every visitor. Are you up for the challenge? Dive in and show us how AI can elevate the alpine adventure to unprecedented heights.




Collaboration incentives

The winning team is rewarded with recognition and will embark on an immersive Ski amadé experience. This Alpine adventure includes direct access to Ski amadé experts for solution refinement and presenting the idea during the journey. The team will also enjoy an extra day exploring the region, providing a perfect balance of innovation work, relaxation, and inspiration amidst the alpine landscapes.



Sign up to tackle the challenge or learn more about InnoDays.